

Project Description

Thanks to the passion and vision of the Pitscheider’s family especially Giovanni and his father, Umberto (1918-2013),  the grandson and son respectively of Elisabetta Keller, the “Cultural Association for the protection, study and exploitation of Mosè Bianchi Pompeo Mariani and Elisabetta Keller’s archives and works” exists today resulting in the Archivio Mosè Bianchi ©  Archivio Pompeo Mariani  © and the Archivio Elisabetta Keller  ©. Among the papers of these archives there are letters, photos, drawings, catalogues, documents and works of the two artists of whom the Pitscheider were the heirs; the materials preserved are valuable constituents in the cultural history and artistic life of the world of painting in Milan and Italy  between the late nineteenth century and the 1960s – a period in which the professional career of the painter Elisabetta Keller, as a direct witness of the most significant events of her time, played a prominent role.

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